I realize we haven't blogged, for like, ages. =]
I apologize, but we have been very busy with school, and classes, and school and what not.
I went to a seminar today. A muslim youth seminar for girls. The topic was "Tarbia lil Ihsan" which can be translated to mean "Training for Excellence".
The program was spread across seven sessions, ranging in topics from "Defining and Implementing Ihsan" to "Importance of Friendship".
I took six full pages of notes (and I write incredibly small... so that was a huge accomplishment. *grin*)
So I shall attempt to list some of my notes here (direct from my notebook). Excuse my grammar and potentially horrible spelling. I'm about to fall over from sleepiness.
( I'm only going to write the main notes for now, meaning of Ihsan and what-not... in further posts I'll write about the friendship stuff, and the quraan studies, and all the goodies. ;))
The Quran on Excellence
- "Who has created life and death, so that He may test you which of you is best in actions." Surah Mulk vs. 2 (that looks, wrong. o_o. I think I missed something when I was writing it down.)
- From this ayah you can take that: The whole purpose of living is to strive to do your best in everything.
- The Prophet (saw) said: "Verily Allah has enjoined excellence with everything we do."
A Muslim who follows the concept of Ihsan:
- will be a person of quality
- do things in a nice and tasteful way.
- is never satisfied with anything except a job well done.
-Ihsan is like building... getting better and better one step at a time and not stepping down. (Example given, an escalator. Once you get on going up, you can't come back down.)
- When thinking about doing something, first thing to consider is whether or not Allah will be pleased with what we are doing.
- Apply the concept of Ihsan in everything you do, even in your daily life.
Ihsan is affected by:
- Knowledge
- Resources
- Skills
Enhancers of Ihsan: (We discussed this as a group, I'll list whatever I had in my notes...)
- courage
- patience
- communication
- reflection
- goal setting
- planning
- willingness
- effort
De-creasers of Ihsan:
- procrastinators
- laziness
- lack of will power
- pre-occupation with non-essentials
Those operating on the level of Ihsan:
- Allah becomes your center of life.
- do the very best in worship.
- sincerity in worship.
- love Allah the most.
- fear Allah the most.
- seek the help of Allah.
- have hope in Allah that He will give us mercy and guide us.
- trust Allah wholly.
Okies. Thats it. For the intro anyway. I've got a bunch of other stuff. I promise I'll blog them later.
Pceee. =]